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In the latest edition of the Lobster Series, we elevate and bridge the gap between art, fashion, luxury, and unconventional creativity taking visual cues from the surrealist painter, Salvador Dali. Our exclusive special packaging is complete with a custom box featuring Dali’s famous ‘Lobster Telephone,’ circa 1938. A classic example of surrealism, Dali believed that combining two unrelated objects could reveal the secret desires of the unconscious.⁠

In the same overarching theme, Concepts and MEDICOM TOY collaborate for the first time with an orange all-over lobster speckle BE@RBRICK set arriving in 100% and 400% figures. Concepts and MEDICOM TOY, both founded in 1996, have taken the approach aimed to create collectible pieces of art rather than conventional toys. Thus, in the theme of surrealism and combining the most unrelated objects, bear-shaped figures, and the lobster splatter, we announce that this limited-edition anniversary BE@RBRICK set is only available with our exclusive packaging. ⁠

As a nod to celebrating anniversaries and long-standing partnerships, each shoe will come with custom bands, silver symbolizing Concepts' 25th anniversary, and an emerald color symbolizing the 20th anniversary of Nike SB.⁠

Lastly and exclusively in the Dubai pack, we added a Claw-Shaped skate wax. Handmade, specifically for the occasion, by our friends at Habibi Skate Shop. Skater-owned, based in the UAE, and rooted in love, Habibi Skate Shop has been supporting the Middle Eastern skate scene since 2021.


We also offered participants a chance to win free pairs of the Orange Lobster if they unlock the safe with the lucky codes.



Congratulations to the lucky winners and thanks to everyone who showed up, supported, and participated in the event.


BE@RBRICK TM & © 2001-2022 MEDICOM TOY CORPORATION. All rights reserved.⁠